Sunday 25 September 2016

Moving in and first impressions

So one week ago I moved in!  I’m really lucky because my accommodation is right next to LCoM so I can get to classes and lectures within five minutes. 

Everyone was so incredibly friendly when I moved in – any initial nerves I may have had were immediately forgotten as I met all the other undergrads moving away from home for the first time as well.  My flat is perfect for me and as soon as we’d unloaded everything from the car and started to unpack, I felt very at home and knew I’d be really happy living here for the next year (or three, if I decide to apply for this accommodation again).  The block has a common room, friendly reception are and a laundry so, other than shopping or going into college, there’s almost no reason to leave although who wouldn’t want to when you have the whole of Leeds on your doorstep? 

My first night alone here was a very strange experience…  I have a studio flat which means I live on my own with no flatmates which meant no distractions from the bizarre sensation of suddenly being responsible for everything and no longer a child.  It feels so weird and I really didn’t know how I was going to survive the weeks but I found that making myself focus on unpacking and cooking really helped and I woke up the next day feeling a lot more normal and excited for everything ahead. 
Thanks for reading and sharing my first impressions and moving in experience with me – just a short post for today but I hope you enjoyed it and it helps in some way to know that however terrifying the first week seems, it passes quickly and everyone is feeling exactly the same.

Next time I’ll be looking at Freshers’ week and the different ways of approaching it xx 

Monday 22 August 2016


Recently, I realised that it's less than a month until my enrolment day before beginning my studies at Leeds College of Music.  It struck me that, despite imagining a Summer filled with planning and preparing for my move, it's already late August and nothing much has changed.  I haven't been too well this Summer so have definitely taken it easier than I expected to but still...      

My preparations are very much underway though and moving to and studying at conservatoire feels more like a reality every day.  The main thing I'm concentrating on at the moment (other than packing, preparing for living on my own etc...) is getting back into practice and getting used to the fact that I can finally  play for several hours without having to worry about other subjects/commitments.  This is kind of how I've felt about flute most of my playing life - it's always been my priority but recently long practices have just felt like a rare luxury.  The fact that this luxury is now going to be the main part of my routine is just the most incredible thing.

I've been slowly increasing my practices over the last week by adding an extra exercise/piece ever day.  I've got to the point now where I'm playing all my exercises everyday and it feels so good to be back into it!  I feel that in a couple of weeks, I'll be fully immersed again and all ready to start my lessons which, incidentally I am both longing for and terrified of!

Thanks for reading :)

As always please leave comments if you have questions - I'm happy to help in any way I can.  If you could like to vote for me as blogger of the month, please click here.  Thank you!    

Thursday 28 January 2016

Short Update

In the last few weeks I have had no time at all to think about going to concervatoire, moving away or, in fact, anything at all regarding my life next September, but recently I recieved an email from Leeds College of Music informing me of their invitation day on the 3rd of February for anyone who has had an offer.  Coincidenly, the're also holding a free flute masterclass a couple of hours before.  After the masterclass, the invitation day consists of a  Q&A session with the classical curriculum leader, tour of the college, a chance to meet other potential students and a concert.  It seemed like the perfect opportunity to learn more about the college and spend another day in the city I will be living in next year.  I didn't actually realise any of the conservatoires did this but thinking about it, it seems obvious.

To make a day of it (I've booked my place now so am definitely going), my mum and I have decided to go a day early, stay in a hotel for a night and spend the extra time exploing Leeds.  I'm really looking forward to this as I realised recently that I've never actually seen Leeds in daylight!  I am biased as I have a fascination with cities at night, partly because I love creative writing and it's my favourite setting to write about - but they are magical!  Anyway...  Back to real life.  As soon as I am able, I'll do a post covering the day, masterclass, college and concert.  Apologies for the lack of posts recently! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. 

As always please leave comments if you have questions - I'm happy to help in any way I can.  If you could like to vote for me as blogger of the month, please click here.  Thank you!